Weekend Payday Loans
If a person is looking for a payday loan on a weekend, it usually means that they are in an emergency and need cash fast. That’s why we strongly believe it’s important that you understand what to expect when applying with a lender advertising weekend payday loans.
Are Payday Loans Available On Saturdays and Sundays?
When you find a direct lender offering Saturday payday loans or Sunday payday loans, visit their FAQ page to know exactly when you can expect the funds. If there is no information there, give them a call before applying.
When you find a lender offering weekend payday loans, it will often mean weekend approval, which doesn’t necessarily imply weekend funding. While some payday loan lenders do work on Saturdays and even Sundays, banks are open Monday-Friday only.
Because most lenders that you find online use an ACH transfer to direct-deposit your money into your bank account, you would need the banks to be open to get your money on a weekend. So, even if the lender approves your application on a Saturday or Sunday, you will get your money around Monday afternoon at the soonest.
Are there any options?
If you need the money today, and it’s a Saturday or Sunday, consider applying in person at the nearest payday loan store. If approved, you will get the money in cash almost instantly.
Weekend Payday Loans From Direct Lenders
If it can wait till Monday, consider applying with one of the many direct lenders offering payday loans online. If the lender works on weekends, they might approve your loan application the same day and you will get your money in your checking account the next business day.
Alternatively, you could consider applying with a matching service. A matching service is a company that has access to dozens, sometimes hundreds of different direct lenders. When you apply with a matching service, they will send your application information to all the lenders they work with one by one until they find a direct lender willing to grant your loan request.
Going with a matching service works especially well if you have bad credit. Different payday lenders approach calculating your repayment ability differently. As a result, some lenders might reject your loan application because of poor credit history, while others will pay more attention to your current employment, your income, and how much you requested. With a matching service, if the first lender rejects your online application, they will send it to the next one instantly. This way you can avoid filling in all those application forms yourself.
At PaydaySeek, we work with 100+ direct lenders and some of them work on weekends, which means you could be approved on a weekend as well. So if you have bad credit, or you just want to simplify the application process, consider filling in the short online application form on our website.
Is It Possible To Get a Payday Loan on a Weekend With No Credit Check?
As you already know, payday loans with weekend payouts don’t exist. The same goes for loans with no credit checks.
Most of the time, a lender will run a soft credit check, which includes getting your credit score and some other basic information. Unlike hard credit checks, soft credit checks will not affect your credit history or show up on your credit report.
Because lenders rarely make credit decisions off of your credit history alone, this shouldn’t prevent you from filling in the application form with the lender. If the first lender you apply with doesn’t approve your loan, there are other lenders out there who might.
At PaydaySeek, neither we nor the lenders we work with will ever run a hard credit check on you. Applying with us doesn’t lower your FICO score either.
Request a Loan From PaydaySeek
Weekend payday loans don’t exist per se. Most of the time when you apply with a lender, directly or through a matching service, you will get an instant decision and a deposit the next business day.
If you need to have the money in your pocket on a weekend anyway, consider applying in person at the nearest payday loan store. Many of them are open on Saturdays and Sundays. If approved, you will get your money in cash almost instantly.
However, if you can wait until the next business day, consider using PaydaySeek. Because we work with many lenders, when you apply with us your chances of getting a loan are much higher than when applying to lenders directly.